Creating an Final Exam Care Package

Sending your child off to college can be an emotional experience for both you and your son or daughter. The transition is not always easy for freshman students, and during periods of high stress (such as exam week), these students may miss home more than ever. While you may not be able to be physically present to offer support, you can send a personalized care package to brighten his or her day. You can include some local items from home, an encouraging letter and favorite snacks.

Local Items

When a student is homesick, just a little reminder of something from home can do a world of good. For example, if your child enjoys the local bakery's cookies Schaumburg, you can send a box of those treats. It is just a reminder that while some things change, home is still home.

An Encouraging Letter

Studying for final exams can be exhausting and emotionally draining. It is easy to get discouraged, and a motivational letter from Mom or Dad can help do the trick to give the student the final push to study hard. Let them know how proud you are that he or she is working so hard on receiving an education.

Favorite Snacks

Late-night study sessions require your kid's favorite snacks. A box full of goodies can be just the thing to turn around a bad day. Include some more substantial food items if you would like so that you can be sure that your child is still eating somewhat well away from home.
Leaving home and going to college is difficult for parent and child, but with sincere communication and sweet reminders of home, the relationship can continue to thrive. If your student is struggling through exam week, be sure to encourage them with a fun and welcome treat.
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