What are the Similarities between Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui?

Vastu shastra and feng shui are both very old and sacrosanct bodies of understanding that make known the connection amid humans and the environment they dwell in. In Vastu Shastra, as well as in Feng Shui, the center is on human comfort, which can just be accomplished when we are in synchronization with environment and the global flow of energy.

There are a lot of resemblances between Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, in spite of everything, both systems are based on awareness of the universal energy flow called Prana in Hinduism and qi in Chinese culture.

The word “vast” can generally be translated as meaning “residence,” and the term “shastra” can be abridged as “science”. It is a intricate body of information with many arithmetical formulas that articulate a deep esteem for Hindu deities and correct ways to express this worship in space design.

On the other hand, both feng shui and vastu shastra have turn out to be admired in feng shui appliances in the habitat and place of work, so this simple study will facilitate you.

The brief comparison below is a very simple and basic summary of very complex ancient knowledge systems. With the best Astrologer in Model Town Ludhiana, we have summarized them in 3 main points.

Global energy flow. Both feng shui and vastu shastra are based on knowledge of the flow of universal energy called qi in Chinese culture and prana in Hinduism. Regardless of your desire to use Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra, you will always be aware of how energy flows into your space, and so will you be clear about good energy (Sheng Chi in Feng Shui) and bad energy (Si Chi Sha Chi).

Five main components. The main concept in both feng shui and Vastu shastra is the concept of the five elements upon which everything else in the universe is based. However, the five elements in Vastu shastra - air, fire, water, earth, and space - differ from the five elements in feng shui. Read more, what are the five elements in feng shui?

Reverence for the sacred. It is believed that Vastu initially appeared as a science for building Hindu temples that truly express reverence for the deity. Feng shui arose with the same energy to honor the spirit realm and those who died, which is why one of the primary applications of feng shui was yin feng shui or feng shui for proper design of tombs.

Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra

Both feng shui and Vastu shastra in Ludhiana agree on the paramount importance of a dwelling center.

In feng shui, the center is called the heart of the house, or the yin-yang point from which all other energies originate. The center should always remain clean and happy, with good, fresh energy.

Vastu Shastra is the creator of the concept of open squares. Located in the center of the dwelling, its purpose is to obtain the highest quality energy. The dwelling center is compared to the function of the lungs in the Vastu Shastra.

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