Some common hair problems and ways to fix them

Our hair is exposed to a lot of pollutants and treatments. This creates a lot of hair problems. Here, we will look at some of the common issues and how they can be tackled.

·         Dandruff –this is the most common problem that we find. Our scalp is also a kind of skin. When this skin becomes flaky and falls this is called dandruff. This happens due to extreme dryness of the scalp. Dandruff creates a lot of problems. It makes the scalp very itchy. When you scratch, the dandruff flies and settles on your clothes, your face, and sometimes on the food on your hand. This is unhealthy and must be treated. Regular use of anti-dandruff shampoo that contains Zinc sulfur can help. Your hairdresser Melbourne can help you choose a product for your dandruff.

·         Split ends- This condition is seen when the oil from the scalp does not reach till the tip of your hair. The tips become very dry and start to split. In this condition, it is difficult for hair to grow in length. When you apply heat to straighten your hair, it worsens the tips. Always apply heat protectant creams before ironing. The tips should also be oiled so that they don’t remain dry.

·         Hair fall- This problem is observed in 1 out of 3 people. Yes, it is very common now due to pollution and other aspects affecting the hair. We lose some strands of hair naturally in a day. This is not a cause of concern. But alarming levels of hair loss need to be attended to. It may lead to balding also. There is no one external application that can help in hair loss. Your eating habits, stress levels, products you use, and hormonal disturbances, all have an effect. Take care of all these things to prevent hair fall. Also, try reducing the application of heat to the hair.

·         Hair damage due to heat- Ironing the hair is done by many people as straight, frizz-free hair is easily manageable. Doing this regularly can cause immense damage to the hair. Try to apply heating products only when it is of utmost necessity. And before applying heat, you should also apply protective creams and lotions to the hair. When the damage is worse, try cutting off the heat altogether.

·         Dry hair- Some people have very dry hair. They may be protein deficient. There may also be hormonal imbalances. Dry hair is very brittle and can break easily. To avoid this, you have to supplement your food with the required protein. Apply hair masks and oil your scalp regularly. Avoid exposure to chemicals that may damage your hair further.

Above all, consult a dermatologist who can help you identify your issue to provide the exact solution.

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