What Type Of Melbourne Bicycles Is The Right Fit For You?

Bicycles are liberating. The cool gust of wind against your wind when you ride your bicycles down the hill is a simple yet such a fulfilling activity. There are so many benefits related to bicycling. Be it for pollution-free commute, exercise or meditation.

 Bicycles can be a great partner in different walks of life. But choosing this important partner is not all that easy. With tons of options and types available in the market of bicycles, it is quite normal to feel lost and confused. 

That is why before you actually get Melbourne bicycles, you should put into some thought as to why you getting one at the first place or what are preferences and dislikes about a bicycle and so on. When you answer these questions, you will automatically get closer to your ideal type of bicycle. Below are some types of Melbourne bicycles that you can easily find everywhere:

Road bikes

These are the most common type of bicycles. With skinny and smooth tires, dropped handlebars and sleek design, these bicycles are best for a run on paved road. They are much lighter in comparison to other bicycles and are easier to handle and carry around. These bicycles are meant for commuting on paved as well as unpaved roads and not for carrying heavy loads.

Cyclocross Bikes

Also known as cross bikes or cx bikes in short, these bicycles look very similar to the road bikes. Though the major difference between the two are that the tires of cross bikes are broader for better grip on unpaved roads and grass and its unique brake system is made to prevent mud build up. These bikes are great for off the road and rough action.

Adventure road bikes

These bicycles are similar to the road bikes but are far more versatile with its wider tires and strong break system. It is good for travelling long distances and has a more natural upright seating position. These bikes are comparatively quite new in the market but are gradually becoming really popular.

Mountain bikes

These types of bicycles are meant for rough and unpaved tracks and road trails. They have a set of upright handlebars along with a very low range of gear for pedalling on steep trails. These bikes are sturdy and come with shock absorbers and great suspension which reduces discomfort from bumps and uneven pathway.

There are many more types of bicycles out there that might specifically be the right fit for you. To find the one right Melbourne bicycles, you would also need to do some research and ask around a little. 

Coming to a conclusion without trying out few bikes in reality is not a wise decision. No matter how convincing the description of bicycle might seem to you, you should always try it out before making the final call.
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