5 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your New Sales Funnel Using Social Media

Sales funnels are very important in online marketing as they provide you with the predictable and best way to increase your leads into the prospects and ultimately the prospects into the customers. Even then most of the business owners do not give much heed to this process.

Funnel is used in the same way as it is used in the cooking process. We know that the funnel is white at its top so during the cooking process you put the ingredients at its wide top, then they accumulate at the bottom and slowly trickle down into the contender or whatever is placed below.


The sales funnel works in the same way by moving your leads through your sales process and resulting in the sales at the very bottom of your funnel.


In this article, we will provide you the five ways to drive the traffic to your sales funnel while using social media. These ways are:


1. Promote a free lead magnet to your social media audience:


This is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your sales funnel in my opinion. This is the number one method to build your email list.

All you have to do is to create a free digital product that would be extremely valuable for your social media audience.

 For example, if you have a web design business then you can create an eBook. Now you have to promote this eBook to your fans and followers of the social media. With this, a very large percent of your audience will be willing and even excited to go to your site because it is 100% free and highly targeted.


2. Promoting your blog posts on social media:


It is also a great way to drive a large percentage of traffic to your side, without even using your brain. Promoting your sales page will get much more traffic to your site. On social media, people are there to receive and to connect to your valuable free info. They are always available to open the link to your sales page.

You can do this by promoting your blog posts to your social media audience. You will not have any trouble in getting your post to be clicked through your site if your posts are tailored to your target market.


3. Creating social media groups:


The social media groups are designed for collaboration and sharing among the admins and the members. These social media groups have a great impact in promoting your sales. You can easily offer values to your members by using these groups.

You have to make sure that you create a group that would be of interest to your audience and members. You also have to make sure a friendly environment among the members. Your group must be focused on a topic.


4. Use attention-getting headlines:


The headlines can make all the difference while posting on social media. So you must make sure that the first sentences of your headlines must catch the attention of yours. Payment pics with them to click. You must use the persuasive words with which they must be unable to stop themselves.


5. Optimize your social snippets:


Whenever you post some link on the social media, it is common that a little preview appears automatically of your content. this little preview is called a social snippet.

If you want to have a maximum, click through to your site then you must give the utmost focus to your social snippets. If you do not optimize then your links are unlikely to even get seen.

You must also make sure that your social snippets are as enticing as possible.


Undoubtedly, social media is one of the most effective channels which helps you in driving traffic to your sales funnel. If you want to know more about sales funnel then visit sarkis-webdesign.com

If you follow the above-mentioned tips then you can easily attract leads to your website and can easily convert them into satisfied customers.

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