Design a good-looking invitation card with baby’s handprint


Baby shower invitations are among the most common ceremonies ladies love to attend. However, the most common challenge they usually face is choosing a suitable gift. But if you are wiser enough, you should go for something specialized and unique like baby hand or footprint designed from inkless baby footprint kit. 


Additionally, you can convey some touching message on the baby’s handprint paper or board. You can ignore the little one’s allure print on the paper or board since it’s the most impressive thing you can offer as a gift during a baby shower ceremony. Below are creative ideas you can use to make a baby’s foot or handprint for a baby shower gift:

Printed baby’s handprint board 


A simple printed baby’s footprint or handprint can add beautiful impression gift for the receiver. You can also implement the baby’s profile footprint to improve the image that will show the feet, all features on the foot and heel. The image will appear like an infant as just stepped on the ink and stamped on the toes.




Stamps have recently become popular crafts that are widely used among the crafters and printers to design an invitation card. Instead of spending your money on ready-made stamps, you can easily craft and print infants feet on the paper or card. Stamp infant image can bring a fancy and amusing ornament suitable for invitation during a birthday or baby shower invitation.




Emboss is a situation whereby a baby’s handprint is embossed or printed on the page. Embossing can be done in two types. A professional printer can do the first method; then they get paid once the entire work is done. In a real sense, the embossing the paper by raising feature footprint can be done the board or a paper. An infant footprint embossed very naturally on the white paper can result in a stylish appearance. 


Cut out approach 


Cut out approach is mostly used when locating stiff paper. Then, later on, you can use a pencil to outline the kid’s handprint to reduce it. Additionally, you can as well design a simple stencil report folder. After you have hinted it across quickly and cut it out, you can quickly process and design extra uniform effects. Afterword, you can make a child’s footprint to reduce-out and write the full bathe information that will cover the vicinity.




Besides the amusing infant's shower handprint invitation, you can also design many laughs to sustain the footprint subject to adorn the component. On the other hand, you can also implement decoration and stamps for creating invitations cars with locations of the event included. Inkless baby footprint kit is another modern technology you can utilize to make a birthday or baby shower memorable.

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