Other Services to Refer to Cosmetic Dentistry


You probably know that orthodontics is a kind of treatment in addition to the beauty of the teeth because eventually, the teeth will be placed in the correct place regularly, and the act of chewing will be easier for the person. Also, orthodontics changes the shape of the jawbone due to the effect it has on the teeth, and finally, after the end of the treatment period, the cheekbones may be in a better state. Also, orthodontics is usually effective on the shape of the lips and mouth and has amazing results.

cosmetic dentist in Coal Harbour

Ortho Surgery

As a cosmetic dentist in Coal Harbour says, orthosurgery or jaw surgery is another dental-related service performed by a jaw specialist. Many people have defects in the upper and lower jaw due to genetic reasons, which can be corrected by jaw surgery. Note that usually, the existence of a problem in the jaw is not easily visible to people, but the specialist diagnoses this problem by examining the teeth and radiographs.

For example, the problems that require orthosurgery include the upper jaw being crooked, the upper jaw being forward, the lower jaw being forward, the upper and lower jaws not matching, etc. Orthosurgery is an important surgery and has an amazing result, so that in most cases the patient sees many positive changes in his face after recovery. The recovery period after this operation is a little long.

Gum Grafting

Some gum diseases cause gum degeneration, and this affects the appearance of the front teeth, So the teeth look longer. In this situation, the dentist restores it by transplanting the gum from the healthy part to the part where the gum is lost.

Gum Shaving

Some people have long gums for genetic reasons, in such a way that only a small part of the teeth is visible. The dentist cuts the gums delicately with a special tool, and the result makes the person's smile more beautiful.

Dental Laminate

Beautifying teeth with laminate is one of the popular trends of the last few years. In this method, a very fine coating of resin is placed on the front teeth and, generally, the teeth that are visible in the smile. Laminate can repair short, crooked, and uneven teeth and give them a uniform appearance. Be careful that laminate is suitable for people who have healthy teeth and gums because, in this method, some of the surface of the tooth is shaved, and then the coating is stuck on it. Now, if the material of the tooth is weak, it will cause injuries and other side effects.

Dental Bridge

When a tooth is pulled, and its place is left empty, the bridge method can be suitable. In this method, the two teeth that are on the right and left side of the space are considered as the base and the empty area is filled, so all three teeth will be connected. This method is used for both front teeth and molars.

cosmetic dentist in Coal Harbour


One of the effective and lasting methods in dental services is implant. If a tooth is pulled, its place can be filled using an implant. First, a metal base, like a screw, is placed in the gum and connected to the jawbone. After a while, when the surrounding gum wound heals, it is filled with special materials around the screw and shaped like a natural tooth.

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