What Are the Benefits of Using an Exact Match Domain for Jacksonville Local SEO?


For businesses in Jacksonville, having a strong online presence is essential when it comes to local SEO. Businesses need to improve their online presence for their local area now more than ever because of the development of mobile search and the significance of local search results.

Using an exact match domain (EMD) for your website is one approach to achieve this. We'll discuss what an EMD is in this post and how it can help your Jacksonville SEO strategy.

What is an Exact Match Domain?

A domain name that precisely matches the term or phrase that a website is trying to reach is known as an exact match domain. For instance, "jacksonvillebakery.com" would be an exact match domain if your company is a Jacksonville bakery.

For many years, exact match domains were a well-liked SEO strategy because it was thought that they would provide websites an advantage in search engine rankings. However, there has been discussion about the efficacy of EMDs following Google's algorithm changes.

The Benefits of Using an Exact Match Domain for Jacksonville Local SEO

While the effectiveness of EMDs for overall SEO may be up for debate, there are still several benefits to using an exact match domain for your Jacksonville local SEO strategy.

Improved Local Relevance

Your local relevance can be raised by utilizing an exact match domain, which is one of the key advantages for local SEO. You are indicating to search engines that your website is relevant to that particular location by putting your location in your domain name.

This can help your website show up in local search results when people look for businesses in the region, which can be extremely helpful for Jacksonville businesses.

Increased Click-Through Rates

Moreover, having an exact match domain might raise your website's click-through rates (CTRs). Users are more inclined to click on a domain name that matches their search query since it seems more pertinent to their requirements.

Businesses in Jacksonville may find this especially helpful as it can make your website stand out in local search results and draw in more visitors.

Easier to Remember and Share

Compared to a domain that excludes your location, an exact match domain is usually shorter and simpler to remember. Customers may find it simpler to remember and refer people to your website as a result.

If you have the domain "jacksonvillebakery.com" and someone is searching for a bakery in Jacksonville, for instance, they are more likely to remember and share your website with others than if it has a longer, more generic domain name.

Greater Possibilities for BrandingEven though there is disagreement on the usefulness of EMDs for general SEO, utilizing an exact match domain for your Jacksonville local SEO plan can still improve your website's search engine ranking.

You are indicating to search engines that your website is relevant to that particular location by putting your location in your domain name. In addition to perhaps raising your website's position in search results generally, this can help it show up in local search results.

For your company, using an exact match domain might also mean improved branding chances. You are linking your brand to that particular location by putting your location in your domain name.

For companies in Jacksonville, this can be extremely advantageous since it can help you create a strong local presence and increase brand awareness in the neighborhood.

Potential SEO Boost

While the effectiveness of EMDs for overall SEO may be debated, there is still potential for an SEO boost when using an exact match domain for your Jacksonville local SEO strategy.

By including your location in your domain name, you are signaling to search engines that your website is relevant to that specific location. This can help your website appear in local search results and potentially improve your overall search engine rankings.

Tips for Using an Exact Match Domain for Jacksonville Local SEO

If you decide to use an exact match domain for your Jacksonville local SEO strategy, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Keep it Short and Simple

It is crucial to choose an exact match domain that is brief and easy to understand. Long and complex domain names can be challenging for users to remember and can negatively impact your website's search engine ranking.

Avoid Exact Match Domains with Hyphens

Although using hyphens to make your exact match domain more readable could be tempting, it's advised to stay away from doing so. Hyphens can complicate things for customers to remember and share your domain, as well as give the impression that it is spammy.

Don't Sacrifice Branding for an Exact Match Domain

It's crucial to maintain your brand's identity while utilizing exact match domains, even though they can offer branding chances. It is advisable to use your brand name for your domain if it differs from your location.

Use a .com Extension

Selecting a domain with an exact match should ideally have a.com extension. This is the most widely used and identifiable extension, and it can also provide visitors to your website a more reliable and trustworthy impression.


There are various advantages to implementing an exact match domain in your Jacksonville local SEO plan, such as enhanced local relevance, higher click-through rates, and superior branding chances. Using an exact match domain for your website can still help with SEO, even though the usefulness of EMDs for general SEO may be up for question.

Should you want to utilize an exact match domain, don't forget to maintain the identity of your brand, keep it short and sweet, and stay away from hyphens. By using these pointers, you can make your website stand out in Jacksonville local search results and draw in more potential clients.


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